Letters to Lead

What does it mean to lead? How does one define a leader? How can we distinguish between a good leader and a bad leader? Is there such a thing? Is it always a subjective answer?

I love this question/s as I have sought to discern - primarily from God’s word - how to answer all the above. Defining leadership inevitably begs the question, “who am I leading and where am I going?” The how and why obviously matter greatly as we drill down into the meaning and matter of all things leadership.

No way we will exhaust this topic, but my hope for this morning is to simply ask myself and you, how best can I lead those whom God has entrusted to me? How is leadership defined from God’s perview and thus how ought this ultimately shape yours and mine? Let’s discuss.

There are many many many ways to lead. Quiet, demonstrative, vocal, by example, soft, hard, intense, gentle, action focused, word driven, unyielding, humble, strong fisted, tender touch, all or some of the above and on and on we go. Perhaps the question any leader must answer or identify is: “What is my MOTIVE?” That which motivates, defines and shapes how we live and lead. A good strong leader must ask themselves with regularity, “What is moving me to this action? What is my why?” 

Motives expose us. They are revelatory and demand constant, consistent examination because if I am honest, many things cause me to sway. To swerve, to question, to doubt. And in those moments of sway, if my ultimate foundational motive gets lost and I allow myself to be unmoored, I will undoubtedly lose my way. As a leader, that is problematic for not just me, but for those who God has entrusted me with. 

This morning I was reading Romans 12 (bare with me, as my thoughts will be rambly, but I promise to land the plane!)

Familiar to many, verses 1 + 2  of Romans 12 were poignant in my quest to refine my understanding of leadership.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

 After reading a very familiar directive, I felt the Spirit lead me to write down and define the following words:

Mercy - compassion, forbearance toward an offender

Sacrifice - offering, surrender for the sake of something higher

Worship - honor, adoration, reverence

Conform - to be in harmony, become similar with

Transform - to change in condition, nature, character with

Renew - restore or replenish

Test - the means by which the present quality or genuineness of anything is determined - the trial of the quality of something

Approve - consent or agree to, confirm, validate

Will - expected, required to, determined, sure to

As I go back and read with the above clarity of these terms, I find wisdom personified - leadership at its finest, and ultimately my MOTIVE defined:

In other words:

Keeping ever before me God’s compassionate forbearance towards ME (wholly undeserved or earned) LIVE - LEAD (run my race!) surrendered to my God knowing this is the ultimate way to honor, adore and revere my heavenly Father. As tempting as it is, resist and defy my inclination to harmonize with the world around me, determine to change my mental meanderings to be similar and incline my heart, soul and mind to become like my Creator - this through a restored renewed thought life (oh the power of our minds!) In so doing, I WILL be able to assess, validate and confirm the genuineness and quality of what God has laid before me, discerning His leading. HIS LEADING!! He leads, therefore I can (must even!) too. All the above are required for those who seek to follow a holy loving God as He beckons us to live and lead as He calls

So, leadership, first and foremost, must begin with a yielded life to God - my MOTIVE - one abiding in Him. Once committed to that surrender, we begin to see God unfolding places to walk, people to lead, patterns to follow. This is where it gets fun! No one leader is the ultimate defining example. I started this letter citing multiple ways to lead. The question for you and for me is am I searching and thus discovering the particulars of leadership that GOD is setting before me? These particulars always align with His character and His plan + will, but the variances come in a diverse people. You and I are different and that is by design. He has gifted us according to His desired plan and purposes. Embrace those gifts as you love and serve HIM! Then….LEAD!!!

My goal in all letters from this creative sojourner is to sharpen us both as we seek to live and learn how best to lead and love those around us. Carry on!




Letters from a Creative Sojourner